Save Patriots Day!


Honor the history of Patriots Day with the American Marathon…

while taking *every* safety precaution necessary with the COVID-19 pandemic

On April 20th, an extremely small, spaced out symbolic wave of the original Boston Marathon distance is run. No support, no crowds, nothing fancy.
Then the clock remains running until the last finisher on Sept 14.
The 2020 Boston Marathon begins, as scheduled on Patriots Day. Boston celebrates just after Patriot Day.

The tradition continues!

The campaign to honor the Patriots Day tradition with the annual running of the Boston Marathon!

For 123 years, the B.A.A. has honored Americas history on Patriots Day.

This is not the first time the event has faced challenges. It certainly need not be the first time it gets bested.

As one of the thousands of runners currently scheduled for Septembers race – Thank you! In the unfortunate position of having to choose from four less than ideal options, you chose the one that honors both the running and local communities. We are honored by that decision.

Wait and see would have been a recipe for disaster and frustrated a whole lot of people. Outright cancellation would have been the ‘easy’ out, but definitely wasn’t the Boston way! Run the elites only like Tokyo did? Great way to tell the masses they don’t matter. So you were left with the logistical nightmare of postponement.

Even though things are increasingly looking like that too will have to be cancelled or toned down… the running community is eternally grateful for your efforts.

But is there another option that wasn’t yet considered? One that can safely continue the Patriots Day tradition, and ensure that the Boston Marathon remains the longest running annual footrace?

It’s time to think outside the box…

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Packs of runners seen in previous Boston Marathons would be an extreme risk with the current pandemic
