The Plan

This Patriots Day we need *YOU* to carry the torch.

In September we all celebrate Boston’s resilience and ingenuity again!


The plan is actually quite simple…

Patriots Day, April 20, 2020 – a small number of 15 athletes selected by the B.A.A. run a commemorative and symbolic marathon, similar in many ways to the event 124 years earlier. A self supported, solitary run along the historical course with no swag, expo or boisterous crowds. This is the perfect chance for the B.A.A. to honor Boston legends, those who are usually working the event or just everyday athletes. A sample field might include folks from the B.A.A itself, first responders from the cities and towns lining the course, Boston legends like the Hoyts, Bobbi Gibb, K.V. Switzer, and the heroes and survivors from Patriots Day 2013. It doesn’t matter who runs it… just that it is done.

#KeepTheClockRunning – the official clock remains running from the moment the first competitor starts on April 20th, until after the last finisher on Sept. 14.

Patriot Day weekend, Sept 11-14, 2020 – The running community converges in Boston. Elite and mass participation waves of the 2020 Boston Marathon occur. The clock is still running as the event, which began on Patriots Day, concludes 147 days later.

We all win!